OUTFIT DETAILS: Activity: Volunteer ministry Trench: Forever 21, years ago (similar) Shirt: Mossimo (similar) Skirt: thrifted (similar) Earrings: not very visible, but they are thrifted antiqued sterling silver knot studs (similar) Scarf: Ann Taylor, on clearance in store earlier in December (similar, similar) Necklace: Ann Taylor, also on clearance in store in December (similar in green, in red) Tights: Merona, Target - discontinued (boo!) (new Target brand, I haven't tried yet) Shoes: Nine West via ebay (similar) Bag: Ann Taylor, thrifted (similar) My patience was rewarded for this outfit. I had been stalking this necklace for several weeks, but $49 is just too much for costume jewelry, in my opinion. So, when it was 1/2 off the sale price of $20, I leaped upon my prey. This gorgeous scarf was also on sale, and 50% off the sale price, and when I used my credit card reward certificate, both items set me back a whopping total of $2. I paired it with classic items so the accessories would really stand out. Share one of your great deal stories!
OUTFIT DETAILS: Activity: Volunteering at Gavin's classroom Coat: Lands' End, thrifted (similar) Top: LOFT (similar) Pants: LOFT (similar in this color, same cut in velvet, in corduroy) Shoes: David Tate via ebay (similar) (Brief review: These shoes run $90-200+ new, but can be often found new on eBay for less than $50, including shipping. Mine are very comfortable, well-made, have arch support and can be worn all day. For NWT $38 on ebay, I was pleasantly surprised!) Bag: Kate Spade, gift (similar - on sale!) Earrings: Ann Taylor (similar - these are the most similar I've seen, if you like mine, check these out!) The starting point for this outfit was this beautiful new bag, gifted to me by a generous tall friend (the cross-body strap was too short for her). The clean lines and white color needed a simple, minimal outfit. To be honest, I was a little scared by the white color - it's not anything I would ever buy myself, because I'm nervous about staining it - but also excited, since it was a way to try a current trend - the "white bag" - without real risk. I thought that if I paired the "scary" item with classic favorites, I wouldn't feel too much out of my comfort zone. It worked! Of course, it helps that this bag has such great lines, but pairing one new trend with some trusted favorites, whatever yours might be, is a safe way to test the waters. Also, can't stop, won't stop wearing these earrings, purchased on clearance during the summer. I thought they'd only work for summer, with the raffia fringe, but I feel like they a great finishing touch to fall outfits too! I call them my one-stop accessory item. Add them, and you're done. Here are some similar options for you below:
OUTFIT DETAILS: Activity: Meeting for worship Coat: Kensie, thrifted (similar) Top: LOFT (similar) Skirt: J. Crew (exact) Shoes: Mossimo via eBay (similar) Bag: Burberry, gift (exact) Earrings: Robin Undira (similar) I mostly like bell sleeves, though I have a couple of challenges. First, it's hard to wear them in (my) regular at-home life, since I'm forever getting my sleeves caught in dishwater. Second, it can be a challenge to layer them, so it gets harder to wear bell sleeves as the temperature dips... My solutions? For the first issue, I usually wear my bell sleeve tops only for my "out-of-the-house life" anyway, I often change into my comfortable "house clothes" when I get home, whatever top I'm wearing (I'm just messy at... life). Secondly, I've realized that shorter sleeved jackets and sweaters make good layering options for bell sleeves. This jacket has cropped enough sleeves that both layers of the ruffled sleeve show, so I often combine them in cooler weather. An elbow length sleeved cardigan like this one could also work as a top layer with a bell sleeve top, or an open sleeve kimono similar to this. And you know what I just thought of? A cape would totally work over a "statement sleeve" top (check out this super versatile one, or this lighter trench coat style one). The pattern on my cape wouldn't work with this top, so I hadn't thought to pair it together, but depending on your top/cape color combination, it could totally work for you! I was eyeing this cape in store the other day, but did restrain myself.... Any other layering ideas for bell sleeves? Do share!
OUTFIT DETAILS: Activity: Volunteering in Gavin's classroom Top: LOFT (exact) Pants: LOFT, in nostalgia rose color (exact) Earrings: LOFT (exact) All LOFT items were at least 50% in store last week and this week, check if the sale is still on! Shoes: Franco Sarto, thifted (similar) Bag: Burberry, gift (exact) Watch: Apple, gift (similar) I think this may be the first time I bought an entire outfit all at the same time! I went into LOFT one day, looking for a relaxed black long-sleeved top, something I had recently realized was missing from my closet. I left the store wearing the top (it looked better with my outfit than what I was currently wearing), and ended up also buying these gorgeous earrings and pants - at least they were all at least 50%. It is pretty unusual for me to wear one store head-to-toe, so it felt worthy of comment.
LOFT is one of the few retail stores I shop regularly, since most of my clothing is thrifted. But they are really killing it in their recent offerings! That, along with some great recent in-store specials made for some shopping easy decisions. Plus, these modern skinny pants from LOFT work really well for me (I have them in gray denim, too), so it's my go-to store when I'm looking for pants. This gorgeous bag is also worthy of mention. I do love my bags, but this is definitely a step up (or two) up from my usual. While I do love the bag for itself (what's not to love?), it means especially much since it was a gift from my mother-in-law while she herself is going through health issues. For her to think of me during that time is really meaningful, and I'll remember it every time I use this bag. This is totally not sponsored, just my current favorites from one of my favorite stores! Here's some cute things I saw in store, in case you're interested: TOPS: