Thursday, October 29, 2015

OUTFIT: Plaid and lace up flats

Jacket: Gap, thrifted (similar)
Top: thrifted (similar)
Tank: Forever 21 (exact)
Skirt: Athleta (similar)
Shoes: Gap (exact) - reviewed in this post
Earrings: vintage shop (similar)
Necklaces: (similar chains, similar pendant, similar black necklace)
Bag: vintage Coach (similar)

So this outfit didn't get the hubby stamp of approval.  He felt the style of these shoes didn't go with the plaid shirt and denim jacket.  Whereas I just loved everything about this combination.  So....  I told him he just didn't get it and wore it and felt great anyway.  I think it's outfits like this that use contrasting items that are instantly either loved or hated -  in this case a casual plaid shirt with lace-up ballet flats, or the denim jacket and tulle skirt combo I showed in this post, or when you see "fancy" sequined items paired with casual denim (you get the idea - outfits that involve contrasts of style).  That contrast makes fashion interesting, but can cause strong feelings.  So maybe steer clear for occasions where the other person's opinion matters: a job interview, meeting the potential in-laws, etc.  Or not.  Enjoy the process!

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